Fabric8 Analytics

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This is our internal code that you should understand before proceeding further.

fabric8-analytics core

  • Core services to provide detailed information about individual components and aggregated information about stack defined by ecosystem manifest file.


  • Language specific packaging and distribution format (f.e. npm, PyPi, RubyGems, Maven…).
  • Manifest File
    • A file (or potentially set of files) describing a component or application and its dependencies (f.e. package.json, gemspec, pom.xml…).

(celery) worker

  • A service monitoring a Celery task queue that performs data ingestion and/or normalization on a given artifact (see workers).

(celery) task

  • A request placed on the Celery task queue and picked up by an instance of a worker subscribed to this queue. It’s identified by UUID.
  • Selinon (Dispatcher)
    • An implementation above Celery that helps us model Celery task flows in simple YAML configuration files (see worker configurations).

scan results

  • Data returned by a successfully finished task in a form of JSON. When collected it is stored under analysis document.


  • Collection of all scan results for a particular component. It is stored in RDS/PostgreSQL during analysis run, distributed to S3 and Graph database and after that returned to users of the system over API from the graph database.

analysis run

  • A run of the defined Celery workers over a given component (identified by an ecosystem/name/version triplet). The resulting analysis data is stored when finished.